Mobile Office
Come and say hello between 2:00pm to 3.30pm on Wednesday 8 May at Rosetta/Montrose Main Road Shopping Strip
As your Independent Member for Clark, I take every opportunity to hear what you have to say. Come along and join the conversation at one of my mobile offices.
Statement regarding Julian Assange court hearing
"I hold out hope that the United Kingdom High Court of Justice will grant Julian Assange permission to appeal against his extradition to the United States of America."
Statement regarding Julian Assange court hearing


US assurance for Assange a fantasy

“The United States Government’s assurance that Julian Assange would have all the protections of a US citizen in a US court is obviously a fantasy. That Mr Assange will have…

US “considering” dropping Julian Assange charges

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, commented on US President Joe Biden’s comment that they were considering dropping the prosecution of Australian journalist Julian Assange. Mr Assange remains incarcerated in…

Supermarket recommendations too little, too late

“The recommendations handed down by former Labor Minister Dr Craig Emerson on how to ensure supermarkets are dealing with suppliers fairly, does not go far enough in dealing with the…

Government must intervene to stop robotax

“It is pleasing to see that the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Taxation Ombudsman have called out the Australian Taxation Office for their cold-blooded robotax campaign. “As I’ve said previously, the…

I’m an independent MP and don’t favour any political party. I decide every issue on its merits by taking into account the evidence, views of the community and my conscience.


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GPO Box 32 Hobart 7001
Media Enquiries
0427 291 785